Great Hampton By-Election – A win for the Conservatives!

Congratulations to Bill Kimberley, our new Evesham Town Councillor for Great Hampton ward.


  • Bill Kimberley (Conservative): 334 (55%)
  • Judith Ciotti (Green): 196 (32%)
  • John Campbell-Muir (Independent): 80 (13%)

Total votes cast 610. Turnout 21.5%

We look forward to welcoming Bill onto the council, and we’re sure he has a great contribution to make.

Introducing Bill Kimberley, our candidate for the Great Hampton by-election

Our candidate for the Evesham Town Council Great Hampton by-election will be Bill Kimberley.

Bill is a Hampton man born and bred, and has lived in the Vale his entire life.

Evesham residents and visitors alike will be familiar with Bill’s mobile sweet stand, which is a regular feature of events in Evesham and around Worcestershire and the Vale. Our photo here was taken at Alcester Mop Fair last year. Bill has spent his entire working life running the family business handed down to him from the previous generation..

Now semi-retired, Bill wants to put his experience and knowledge to good use on Evesham Town Council. We’re absolutely delighted to welcome Bill on board the team, and look forward to his contribution as we all work hard to make Evesham an even better place to live and work.

How you can help

The most important way to help, of course, is to vote! If you live in Great Hampton ward, then please make sure you get down to the polling station on Thursday 3rd March. Your polling station will be the Scout and Guide Community Hall on Pershore Road, next to St Andrews Church.

We will be delivering leaflets in the run-up to the election, so if you can spare an hour or so then we’d really appreciate your time. Please get in touch via the contact form, or drop us an email to [email protected].

Could you be a Conservative councillor?

We have, unfortunately, two more vacancies on Evesham Town Council that we need to fill. These are in addition to the two by-elections which took place last year and the Avon ward by-election which will take place in February.

If you’ve ever considered becoming a councillor – or even if you haven’t – then we’d love to hear from you! 

You don’t need any previous experience of politics or local government. For the vast majority of town councillors, standing for election was their first step into the world of local government.

 You do need to live or work in, or near, Evesham, and in order to stand as a Conservative candidate you will need to be a fully paid-up member on the date of the election.

Beyond that, the only thing we are really looking for is people with a passion for the town, who love living here and want to contribute towards making it a better place.

Interested? Either drop us an email at [email protected], or call Peter Griffiths, branch chairman, on 07867 528360 or Mark Goodge, deputy chairman, on 07860 265632. Or talk to any of your local Conservative councillors about what’s involvedour contact details are on the website.

Quiz Night, 25th February 2022

Friday 25th February 2022

Doors open 7pm, quiz kicks off approximately 7.30pm

Raphael’s Restaurant, Boat Lane, Evesham WR11 4BP

Our popular quiz night is back after an enforced break. Come and test your knowledge on a whole range of subjects.

Teams of four to six players, either come as a team or turn up on your own and we’ll fit you in. Cross-party coalitions especially welcome!

£5 per player includes light refreshments in the interval. Drinks may be purchased at the bar.

There’s no need to book, you can just pay on the night. But if you are coming, it would be helpful if you can let us know so that we can get the catering right.

Curry and Questions

An evening of lively and friendly debate over drinks followed by a warming chicken and spinach curry.

Evesham Conservative Policy Forum Annual Dinner 2021

Friday 26th November – Doors open at 7pm

A “Question Time” event with a fabulous panel of guests.

Nigel Huddleston MP

MP for Mid Worcestershire and Minister for Sport, Tourism, Heritage and Civil Society

Charlotte Perry

Partner at Parkinson Wright Solicitors and President of Worcestershire Law Society

Cllr Bradley Thomas

Leader of Wychavon District Council

Cllr Marcus Hart

Worcestershire County Council Cabinet Member with responsibility for Education

Questions for the panel are welcomed, please submit these by email to [email protected]. If time permits we will take questions from the floor, but the best way to ensure that your question is put to the panel is to submit it in advance.

Cost: £20 per person. Ticket price includes a welcoming drink and a delicious curry. Further drinks may be purchased from the bar.

(Alternative menus are available, if you have any special dietary requirements then please let us know at the time of booking or contact us to discuss it further).

All tickets must be paid for in advance. For single tickets or small numbers we would prefer you to pay online via credit card or by bank transfer as this greatly simplifies our administration. If you would like to make a group booking for a whole table then please get in touch and we can arrange for you to make payment via cheque.

For security reasons, the precise location of the event will only be made available to ticket holders. It will, however, be in Evesham at a venue that has off-street parking.

To reserve tickets for payment by bank transfer (BACS), please email [email protected] and we will respond with our bank details.

CPF Discussion – October 2021

Our next CPF discussion will be on Tuesday 26th October at 7pm. This will be a Zoom meeting, so you can join in from the comfort of your own armchair!

This consultation paper is the first in a series of three on topics decided by the members, rather than being chosen to align with the Government’s policy agenda. It invites your input on our values, our culture and our relationship with the State.

“The unifying purpose of the UK’s national security and international policy is to ensure that the things that define us as a nation – our open society and economy founded on democratic values – remain sources of strength and comparative advantage, driving prosperity and improving the well-being of people across the Union.”

Questions for discussion:

  1. What do the enduring core values of Conservatism mean in practice for policy-making and policy-makers today?
  2. Post-Brexit, what sort of state do we want to be? What do we do with control, now that we’ve taken it back?
  3. Post-COVID, has the social contract and people’s expectations of government fundamentally changed? If so, how? If not, why not?
  4. Does “levelling-up”—and the more significant government intervention in the economy that it implies—change our relationship with the state? If so, how? If not, why not?
  5. How has the digital revolution transformed our willingness to share data and interact with government online? Do we want symmetry in our relationship with the state online/offline or are we willing to concede certain things in different domains?
  6. In an age of identity politics, what more might government do to promote social cohesion?
  7. Is there any other observation you would like to make?

Zoom details will be sent out to our mailing list. If you’d like to take part but aren’t on the mailing list, then please drop us a line to [email protected] (or use the contact form).

Introducing our candidates for the Evesham Town Council by-elections on 28th October

In case you didn’t already know, there will be a town council by-election in the Avon and Twyford wards later this month. We have three excellent candidates in place and ready to hit the ground running.

Our candidates will be John Clatworthy (Avon ward) and Mike Arens and Ben Large (Twyford ward), pictured here with Nigel Huddleston MP in front of the Town Hall. If all goes well with the election, this is a place that John, Mike and Ben will become very familiar with!

John Clatworthy is a former RAF parachute instructor and disability sport coach, now retired and living in Evesham.

Mike Arens is a successful businessman who runs a car repair and MOT workshop on Offenham Road.

Ben Large is an IT professional and keen photographer who has a particular interest in the environment and climate change.

How you can help

The most important way to help, of course, is to vote! If you live in either Avon ward or Twyford ward, then please make sure you get down to the polling station on Thursday 28th October. For both wards, your polling station will be the Catholic Church Hall on the High Street. As this is just a by-election you won’t receive a poll card in the post, so please save this email as a reminder!

Not sure which ward you live in? There’s a handy map and list of streets on the Evesham Town Council website:

Avon Ward

Twyford Ward

Leaflet Deliveries

We’re currently in the process of getting election leaflets printed. We aim to start deliveries this weekend (15th/16th October), and then continue through the week, finishing on the weekend of the 22nd/23rd October, a few days before the election.

If you’d like to help deliver them, please let us know. This doesn’t need to be a particularly big commitment, just 30 minutes or an hour of your time on a day that you choose. You can do this on your own if you prefer, but we will probably have a couple of organised campaign days when we get together as a group for tea, coffee and biscuits before heading out to deliver. If you’d like to be involved in that, then please let us know which days and times are most likely to be convenient for you.

Skittles Night

Evesham Conservatives invite you to a Skittles Night

Friday 29th October 2021
Doors open 7pm, first game at 7.30pm!

Venue: Ecgwins Club, 117 High Street, Evesham WR11 4EQ

Cost: £10 per person, includes buffet supper

No need to pay in advance, just bring cash with you. But please let us know you are coming as we need to give a number to the caterers. Either email us on [email protected] or call/text Peter Griffiths on 07867 528360.

Now that we’ve got the branch up and running again, we’re putting together a calendar of events. The first will be our skittles night on 29th October. This is open to all members and their friends and family, so please feel free to bring along guests. It’s just a social event, nothing particularly political, although it is the day after the Evesham Town Council by-elections so hopefully we will have something to celebrate!

Could you be a councillor?

Could you be an Evesham Town Councillor?

Evesham Town Council currently has three vacancies, following the departure of three councillors. By-elections to replace them will be held on Thursday 28th October.

Evesham Conservatives are currently recruiting candidates to stand for election. If you’ve ever considered becoming a councillor – or even if you haven’t – then we’d love to hear from you!

What does the town council do?

Evesham Town Council is at the most local level of local government, sitting below Worcestershire County Council and Wychavon District Council. The town council is a statutory consultee on planning applications, which feeds into the district council’s decision making, and is a provider of grant funding for local groups and organisations. Events which are supported by the town council include the River Festival, the Angling Festival, the Festival of Brass and the Battle of Evesham Festival. 

The Almonry museum is a key part of the town council’s work, and other properties managed by the town council include the Town Hall and, via its role as Trustee, Wallace House Community Centre. The town council maintains the All Saints churchyard and is responsible for the cemeteries on Waterside and in Hampton as well as Battleton Brook Open Space.

The town council is also responsible for many aspects of local life around the town, including the floral displays in the town centre, the charter market, the Christmas lights and the Mop Fair.

What is involved?

Evesham Town Council meetings are generally held on Monday evenings, so you would need to be able to commit to one Monday evening a month for full council, plus other Mondays as necessary for any committees that you join. Plus, of course, you would need to be available to communicate with local residents in order to listen to their concerns and offer help and advice.

The work of a town councillor is not particularly time-consuming, but you would be expected to prioritise it over other non-work activities. Because of the varied nature of the town council’s work there are plenty of opportunities to get involved in the things which really matter to you.

What qualifications do you need?

You don’t need any previous experience of politics or local government. For the vast majority of town councillors, standing for election was their first step into the world of local government.

 You do need to live or work in, or near, Evesham, and in order to stand as a Conservative candidate you will need to be a fully paid-up member on the date of the election.

Beyond that, the only thing we are really looking for is people with a passion for the town, who love living here and want to contribute towards making it a better place.


If you’re interested, or just want to know more, please get in touch. You’re not committing yourself to anything at this stage, so feel free to call or drop us a line just to find out more.

Get in touch

If you want to phone, then please call either Peter Griffiths (Evesham Branch Chairman) on 07867 528360 or Mark Goodge (Deputy Chairman) on 07860 265632. Or, if you’d prefer to email, then drop us a line to [email protected], or use the contact form on this website.

Restarting the branch

Now that we are finally but cautiously emerging from restrictions we have had to live with for the past 18 months or so, it is time to pick up the pieces and reshape them into a new future for us all.

Our local Branch has technically become dormant, by the default of not holding any meetings or indeed an AGM, therefore we need to re-awaken it.

We will therefore be holding a Special General Meeting of the branch on Friday 30th July so that we can elect our officers and get things going again. Plans are afoot for a full range of social events as well as political discussion and debate.

Those of you who are current or former members of the Evesham branch will be contacted by email or post with the full details of the meeting, provided we have your contact details on file. Unfortunately, though, we can’t be certain that we have everybody’s details as some of our data is a little out of date. So if you want to be involved, please add your name and email address to our mailing list using the form on this website (it’s on the right if you’re viewing this on a PC, or at the bottom of the page if you’re viewing it on a phone). That way, we can make sure we keep you in the loop.